Angry Birds attacking the Ribs

Its been 2 months since the kids had their last Roma Ribs and its been 2 weeks for me (secretly went with my matey…now no more a secretlah). When we were at Fridays a month ago (hehe…right after raya ok) , I ordered the ribs but LA said “mom, this is so yucky…I don’t want this one, I want the other one” So after much nagging from the small one, we decided to go to Roma last Sunday as there were no open house to be fulfilled though there was some jemputan that we shall go without the kids therefore must leave them at home with a full stomach.

They were all in their Angry Bird shirt. The angry birds were really Ribs hungry except for the purple bird coz she can’t be bothered of Ribs, she just want her cheeseburger.

This is the most jahat Bird!!

This is the jahat Bird and the anak-anak bird teaming up…

small bird and her ribs

small bird feeding the big bird dessert

happy birds with full stomach

Worldly Possesion …..Harta

I was checking out my mail this morning and I saw a very interesting hadith. May we all benefit from it. InsyaAllah.

“Harta yang utama adalah lisan yang senantiasa berzikir, hati yang senantiasa bersyukur dan isteri beriman yang membantu suami dalam menegakkan bangunan imannya.” (H.R. Ibnu Majah dan Tirmidzi)

Lalai Dalam Solat

It all started with me trying to understand further Surah Al Maun verse 4-5 when I found the following article. I hope it will be a reminder for all of us and let’s pray for Allah to open our hearts to repent and improve ourselves in future.

Saad bin Abi Waqas bertanya Rasulullah SAW mengenai orang yang melalaikan sembahyangnya maka jawab baginda, “Iaitu mengakhirkan waktu sembahyangnya dari waktu asalnya hingga sampai waktu sembahyang lain. Mereka telah mensia-siakan dan melewatkan waktu sembahyangnya, maka mereka diancam dengan neraka wail”.

Ibn Abbas dan Said bin Al-Musaiyib turut mentafsirkan hadis di atas, “Iaitu orang yang melengah-lengahkan sembahyang mereka sehingga sampai kepada waktu sembahyang lain, maka bagi pelakunya jika mereka tidak bertaubat Allah menjanjikan mereka neraka jahanam tempat kembalinya”.

Dalam hadis yang lain Rasulullah SAW bersabda, “Sesiapa yang mengumpulkan dua sembahyang tanpa ada halangan, maka sesungguhnya dia telah memasuki pintu besar dari pintu dosa-dosa besar”. (Riwayat Al-Hakim)

Selamat Hari Raya!!!


I will be back at the office in the morning and I hope that there won’t be too much pending stuff to clear off. It has been a very tiring Raya and I hope that it won’t be too hectic at work. Both brothers aren’t able to come back this year so it was just me n my sis. However, since my Dad is the only uncle left in the family, our extended families of cousins were with us on the 1st day of Raya. As for me, I was already at my in law’s house by noon.Can you believe that I tak sempat makan lontong my mom on the 1st day. Sungguh rugi tapi dah terlampau busy jadi bibik I forgot all about it. I’ll probably have another session of lontong anytime this Syawal.


Nothing unusual happened, all was the same including the movies aired on TV except that we were at the cinema yesterday with something small and blue. I SMURF you!!!! Penuh panggung!! I remembered having a collection of more than 30 smurf figurines including Baby Smurf and Gargamel tapi can’t figure out who I gave them to. Wish I still had them with me.

Anyway, can’t wait for all the open House sessions. Can meet ol friends and new ones. I notice that  many young kids are armed with a DSLR , TPC, Ipads, Ipods and etc… so takde yang buat perangai kalau pergi beraya…cause they have something to keep them occupied.

Selamat Hari Raya again, hope we get to see each other during this season.