My Date

We were in the cinema for 2.5 hours today but I don’t mind because my date is yummylicious .Tak kisahlah kalau ada 2 jr dates ikut sekali. They had to follow because we had breakfast in the cinema. Kalau tak I have to cook them something. Hahaha..



Studying Make Fun

We are studying whilst watching the history channel on youtube. Its about the challenges of the British to combat communism in Malaya.

Known as the Tiger of Malaya is Sir Gerald Templer, his tactics has managed to greatly reduce the numbers of the communist army. They offered RM250k for chin peng. That’s a lot of money ok.

Operation ginger… wipe off the communist. They are looking for Siu Mah the guy who murdered Sir Henry Gurney. They offered his bodyguard money and they betrayed him and shot him.


Minum kopi cap rusa tapi kat starbucks…….sebab wondermilk awal sangat tutupnya. Takpelah…tumpang jap kerusi. Its been ages since we last had dinner at citta mall.


We had dinner at chawan and managed to get ditc his favourite dessert.


The kids are still obsessed with the mee rebus but in chawan they have it with tulang…


As for ditc, makan lauk kampung je malam ni.


Nasi daging berlado…

Lite lunch

I ate rice for breakfast so I have no choice but to eat scones for lunch. Tapi belum sempat ambik gambar…scone dah all gone.


By the way, I make delicious scone. Masa kecik-kecik dulu i used to make them for monty.

Almaklumlah my grandad dulu hidup zaman colonial so since he was an officer for the british government, his lifestyle is also affected. So monty was brought up with all things english.

We are here at Tim’s. Remembered when it first open dulu, tempat ni cozy n quiet. Sekarang ni walaupun dah makin besar rasa macam semak je. My OCD taking control of my feelings here.


Sebab rasa scone sebijik tak cukup…i nak tapau nutella cheese tarts lah.



Dulu saya takde apa2…

I was testing one of my staff 2 days ago. We were talking about our x-colleague and suddenly I ask him the trick question.

So…you takde intention nak kahwin lagi?

He smiled and said….kalau nak buat dah lama saya buat kak sebab perempuan yang desperate ni banyak sekarang.  Asal lelaki tu gentle sikit diorang dah terkam. Maybe sekarang ni susah nak cari lelaki single yang gentle kut kak.

Kenapa tak buat?

Saya ingat sejarah kak. Saya value cinta dan kesetiaan isteri saya kak. Dulu masa couple saya comot and takde apa2 kak tapi cuma isteri saya yang percaya kat saya. Orang lain kalau tengok saya masa tu dah cabut kut. So itulah bezanya isteri saya dengan perempuan yang tengok saya sekarang. Sekarang saya dah ok memanglah ramai datang kerumun tapi itu semua palsu je kak.

Interesting answer… I pray that Allah will make him a man with strong iman and protect him from the temptation of shaytan.

Dalam Al Quran ada mention that manusia ni suka tergesa-gesa.

When we do things, we do not analyse the past …we just go head on and blame it on fate if things go wrong. We don’t take a second to think…is it worth it?

Worth what?

Is it worth it for me to stand in front of Allah in akhirat and to answer HiM for the shameless things that I do because of lust and temporary excitement.

Is it worth it for me to betray those who love me knowing well that my actions will cause pain for them?

Kalau kita ingat kan some men of their past mesti dia akan cakap what do you expect? memanglah dulu I camtu…i muda lagi masa tu i tak pandai lagi.I senang dan berpangkat sekarang ni pun hasil usaha I sendiri. I nak prove kat orang-orang yang dulu pandang rendah pada I yang I can and I am successful now.

Oh my god. THAT IS SO SHALLOW. Orang2 macam ni lah yang never appreciate what Allah has given them. Dia akan selalu mensia-siakan nikmat Allah. Dia tak sedar apa yang disia-siakan hanya kerana angan2 yang dibisikkan dalam telinganya oleh syaitan.

Bak DiTC selalu mention Allah guides whom He wills. Meaning that the guidance will come only to those who struggles to be guided.

Ar Rahman

Tonight reminded me of 7 years ago. I was at the kitchen with the maid cooking. I heard the Imam from the nearby mosque reciting surah ar rahman. He was reciting it and at times I could hear him sob…and tears starts to roll down my eyes. My maid tanya kenapa kakak menangis. I just kept quiet.

At that time, I didn’t know the translation of the surah but I could feel very strong feeling about the surah.

Tonight I felt the same way when i heard surah Ar Rahman recited during the Isyak prayer.

May Allah bestow righteousness and good memory for our hafazan effort. Ameen.

Adik’s morning gear

She is like her mom and her dad. She hardly follows the fashion. She wears what she feels like. Her taste is somewhat different and so is her thinking. Not stereotyped and always original. She is quite a tough one.


By the way, the key is to lock up her bag. She wears it on her neck all the time in school. And the watch is a gem, its from blackkiwi. Tak payah nak bersmartphone bagai