Craving Sate for supper.

At 11pm there were still many people stuffing their face with Sate. And we were one of them. I’ve been craving for sate for a week now and today was a good day to go. It was only 3 of us since LA was not entice with Sate tonite.



Our first batch of sate.


Sate tambah.
Bon Appetit..

Your Majesty.

Since we could not bring the kids for Kingsman last nite, we had to replace with another movie session today. And we decided to watch Jupiter Ascending. I find alien and zombies movies kinda absurd and silly but then….layan je lah.


Nope that is not Channing Tatum or Mila Kunis. That’s just Nabil and Dira doing filming nearby home.


I was talking to someone a few days back and she was telling me how she felt restless with all the problems that kept on creeping in her life. Apart from giving her some tips to maintain cool, I did tell her that when you are dead,  you will be faced with more problems. That is something to be worried about because that is permanent whereas the problem we face right now is temporary. That is when parts of our body will testify against us and oh boy……that send shivers down my spine.

One thing I notice when someone is faced with problems is the fact that they have prenotion that they will be blamed for the problem and they start filling their chest with justifications.

Some totally avoid any form of communication and think that clearing things up will not make a different aka “semua dia buat salah.” (usually this kind of people does not welcome any teguran for their good)

Some are worst, any problem that happens they will automatically find someone else to blame.

another one taken from iqra sense:

The “If-Only” Trap: Another trap that many of us fall into has to do with using the “if-only” logic. Very often, our minds tell us that “if I could have done such and such, then this wouldn’t have happened.” The prophet warned us against falling into such satanic traps. In a hadith narrated by Abu Hurayrah, the prophet remarked,

“…….If anything befalls you, do not say ‘If only I had done (such and such), the such and such would have happened,’ rather say: ‘Allah has decreed and what He wills He does,’ for ‘if only’ opens the door to the work of the shaytaan.” Narrated by Muslim (2664).

We see another example of this during the battle of Uhud when many Muslims died. This gave the hypocrites an excuse to criticize the divine decree. But Allah refuted their claims by stating (interpretation of the meaning): “Say: ‘Even if you had remained in your homes, those for whom death was decreed would certainly have gone forth to the place of their death’”. [Aal ‘Imraan 3:154].

Maybe, we are all guilty of the above.

Yesterday DiTC was telling me that the most important thing about a person’s life is their akhlak. His idea of helping others is showing good akhlak in every aspect of our life.

The challenge is of course being consistent about it. That is why we seek for Allah’s help and guidance. It will be very difficult for us to maintain the consistency of our akhlak because Satan is very persistent . It will whispers to us every single second and yes we sometimes fail in our quest for consistency in good akhlak. (tak payah fikir penat2 bila, tgk je our reaction kalau ada orang potong our route while driving…cepat je kita menyumpah or masa kita nak rush ada hal, laju je kita bawak kereta tanpa pikir orang lain)

Maka, when facing problems, clear your chest. (lapangkan dada) Seek Allah protection and guidance (doa), make an effort to solve the problem in ways permissible in Islam.

Remember that the prophets and sahabah faced more challenging issues in the past.

Here is Surah Az Zumar verse 10 to ease our heart when faced with calamity and challenges:

Say, “O My servants who have believed, fear your Lord. For those who do good in this world is good, and the earth of Allah is spacious. Indeed, the patient will be given their reward without account.”

Katakanlah (wahai Muhammad, akan firmanKu ini, kepada orang-orang yang berakal sempurna itu): “Wahai hamba-hambaKu yang beriman! Bertaqwalah kepada Tuhan kamu. (Ingatlah) orang-orang yang berbuat baik di dunia ini akan beroleh kebaikan (yang sebenar di akhirat). dan (ingatlah) bumi Allah ini luas (untuk berhijrah sekiranya kamu ditindas). Sesungguhnya orang-orang yang bersabarlah sahaja yang akan disempurnakan pahala mereka dengan tidak terkira”.