My mommy again

By adik

My mom was born in 1975. She is 43 this year. She was born and raised in the heart of Kuala Lumpur. Both her parents are born and raised in Kuala Lumpur too. My Tok Baba is now 86, he went to MCKK and my grandma is 80 and she studied in CBN before going to Liverpool to continue her studies.

My mom childhood faves

 1. Animation: Jem and the holograms

2. Song: Girls just wanna have fun

3. Character: Garfield.

4. Movies: Grease

5. Food: Grandma’s Bolognese, Fried Sardine Pasta and Baked Corn Pudding

6. Instrument: organ. My mom’s organ classes is in Ampang Park. I don’t know where that is.

7. Holiday: she went to London with grandma to stay with uncle ike for a month.

8. Actor: Michael J Fox

Need to check out what she likes in her teens. 

My mom when she was in standard 1. She got beautiful brown hair.

My mommy

By Adik

My mommy is a witch. Whenever I sneak in her room within seconds she is already behind me. My mommy eats small children when they are naughty. Sometimes she eats adults too especially those who annoys her. She has a blue line around her iris. She says that those are only for witches. My tok baba has it too.Probably he is a witch too.This is my mommy. She doesn’t look at the camera because she was staring into the eyes of a naughty girl.


When I was small my parents will often use the phrase beggars can’t be choosers. The phrase lingered in my mind up till now. A position that I will try to avoid as much as possible through doa and hardwork. 

Things doesn’t fall from the sky easily. Kekadang kita redho kalau kita tak dapat sesuatu tetapi bila kita redho tanpa berusaha?

This is one good contoh:

Kita semua tahu doa bagi seorang mukmin adalah senjata paling berkesan untuk menyelesaikan pelbagai masalah namun apa ertinya doa tanpa usaha? Logik Al Quran tidak pernah mengajarkan berdoa tanpa usaha. Buktinya, Rasulullah saw harus berdarah-darah keluar masuk medan peperangan untuk berjuang. 

Allah mengajarkan para nabi untuk berusaha semaksima mungkin padahal mereka adalah para kekasih Allah swt. Lalu siapa kita nak berkhayal mendapatkan sesuatu dengan usaha yang minimal. Adakah kita merasa kita diatas nabi?

“Dan kalian ditipu oleh angan-angan kosong” (Al Hadid ayat 14)