
LP spends 4 long years here and LA another 4. Total 8 years of preschool for DiTC n me. Took this during our routine morning walk. But for these two it was a once in a blue moon thingy.



Both are getting fat…so I forced them to join us.



Ms Pelican joining the walk back to the car after playing on the swing.


Here’s DiTC enjoying the beautiful morning.


When we do something in life we need to be accountable to it. Justification not only have to be logic but must have merit. The latest campaign held recently was totally poor in taste and judgement. Anyway, let’s do something more positive and not in the “grey”. I call this Kempen Pegang Tangan Isteri. (Isteri sendiri ye. Jgn isteri orang pulak!!)




I’ve always love reading history books and articles. What we do today will be history tomorrow. Its about us and what we have done in the past, many with consequences and little with no impact. Many history can be found in the Quran too as lessons for us such as the history of pharoah. The last time I did history as a subject was in Form 3 and I got distinction 1 for it during SRP :-). So now its a big deal for me to ensure that LP excels in her history paper.


If she could score 100 for her maths ..I’m sure she could do the same for history.