Dating with the Vampires

Why do you date a vampire?
Because ……………….they all drive the latest Volvo.

Last Sunday, we were at the cinema watching Breaking Dawn Part 2. Since its PG13, both LP and LA joined us.

As usual, I was not into the movie because I can’t relate to Bella and her weird taste for wolves and vampires.

But I enjoyed the last part when they start breaking necks. Finally some action. And we see lesser unclothed Jacob.


School T-Shirt.

Yeah, I forced both my babies to wear my school shirt.



They should have funny printing like
“My Mommy forced me to wear this or My Wifey forced me to wear this”.

Nasib baik I didn’t buy and force DITC to wear one.

Anyway, it was a good school and I’ve always enjoyed my school days. I didn’t regret at all my decision not to go to boarding school like my siblings.

DITC always spoke about how much he regretted leaving MBS to go to a typical malay boarding school. But I guess everything happens for a good reason.

Or else both of us would be educated in schools where the church still have strong control over the curriculum and lacking Islamic values.

On the other hand, my dad and brother was educated in MCKK a typical elite school for the malays and my sister was at TKC another elite all girls malay boarding school. They are totally different from me and my mom who was educated at the Convent.

Anyhow, I would rather be a good Muslim than a good malay. I try to teach my children that being successful is not about being an engineer, doctor or scientist. It is about being a successful Muslim that contributes to the Muslim society and attract others to practise Islamic values to achieve success now and the hereafter. InsyaAllah.

Mystery, Secrets and Lies

Many people like mysteries and secrets. Some like to solve mysteries and probe secrets while many like to be the subject of mystery and secrets hence the term skeleton in the closet.

As for me now, neither situation is of my preference. Obviously secrets has its positive and negative side and mysteries are sometimes fabricated.

To me, the most righteous path is to be true to Allah, yourself and those around you. Obviously secrets like your ATM pin number or anything of that sort should not be revealed.

But keeping secrets especially with the intention to cheat or to hide your weakness never have a good ending.

The worst kind are those who thinks that their secrets are well kept but in actual fact, its been known and they kept the secrets with lies thinking that they have fool those around them but in actual fact they have made a fool of themselves.

There is no such thing as white lie as all lies are lies and Allah will punish liars accordingly.

I like to live a life that is pure. No lies or bad deeds that will burden me from performing the ibadah. No secrets that will taint my soul.

Mudah-mudahan, Allah permudahkan kita untuk tidak berbohong didalam percakapan dan perbuatan kita walaupun untuk tujuan gurauan.

Think about it.

True Love Pt 1

Yesterday I posted a Hadith and today I felt the beauty of Allah’S guidance when I switch on the TV just now.

Reflection was on air and Imam Suhaib Webb was actually describing further on the hadith that I posted. Alhamdullilah.

I copied the english translation below for my easier remembrance.

On the authority of Abu Hurairah, who said: the messenger of Allah said:

Allah the Almighty has said: “Who so ever shows enmity to a friend of Mine, I shall be at war with him.

My servant does not draw near to Me with anything more loved by Me than the religious duties I have imposed upon him, and My servant continues to draw near to Me with supererogatory works so that I shall love him.

When I love him I am his hearing with which he hears, his seeing with which he sees, his hand with which he strikes, and his foot with which he walks.

Were he to ask [something] of Me, I would surely give it to him and were he to ask Me for refuge, I would surely grant him it.”

Related by Bukhari.

True Love

Dari Abu Hurairah r.a bahawa Rasulullah SAW telah bersabda : ” Sesungguhnya Allah Ta’ala berfirman :

Barangsiapa yang memusuhi waliKu ( orang yang setia padaku ), maka sesungguhnya aku mengisytiharkan perang terhadapnya.

Dan tiada seorang hambaku yang bertaqarrub ( beramal ) kepadaKu dengan sesuatu yang lebih Ku cintai hanya dari ia menunaikan semua yang ku fardhukan ke atas dirinya.

Dan hendaklah hambaKu sentiasa bertaqarrub dirinya kepadaKu dengan nawafil ( ibadat sunat ) sehingga Aku mencintainya.

Maka apabila Aku telah mencintainya, nescaya adalah Aku sebagai pendengarannya yang ia mendengar dengannya, dan sebagai penghilantannya yang ia melihat dengannya, dan sebagai tangannya yang ia bertindak dengannya, dan sebagai kakinya yang ia berjalan dengannya.

Dan sekiranya ia meminta kepadaKu nescaya Aku berikan kepadanya, dan sekiranya ia memohon perlindungan kepadaKu nescaya Aku lindungi ia.

On the authority of Abu Hurairah, who said: the messenger of Allah said:

Allah the Almighty has said: “Who so ever shows enmity to a friend of Mine, I shall be at war with him.

My servant does not draw near to Me with anything more loved by Me than the religious duties I have imposed upon him, and My servant continues to draw near to Me with supererogatory works so that I shall love him.

When I love him I am his hearing with which he hears, his seeing with which he sees, his hand with which he strikes, and his foot with which he walks.

Were he to ask [something] of Me, I would surely give it to him and were he to ask Me for refuge, I would surely grant him it.”

Related by Bukhari.


Kita Masih Lalai

This translation is a reminder for me and all that benefit from it. Not only should we memorize and recite it but the beauty of the Quran is for faithful Muslims to take it up and practise it in our daily life. InsyaAllah , we will all be guided to the right path.

Surah Al – A’la

Bertasbihlah mensucikan nama Tuhanmu Yang Maha Tinggi (dari segala sifat-sifat kekurangan), –

Yang telah menciptakan (sekalian makhlukNya) serta menyempurnakan kejadiannya dengan kelengkapan yang sesuai dengan keadaannya;

Dan Yang telah mengatur (keadaan makhluk-makhlukNya) serta memberikan hidayah petunjuk (ke jalan keselamatannya dan kesempurnaannya);

Dan Yang telah mengeluarkan tumbuh-tumbuhan untuk binatang-binatang ternak,

Kemudian Ia menjadikan (tumbuh-tumbuhan yang menghijau) itu kering – (berubah warnanya) kehitam-hitaman.

Kami sentiasa menjadikan engkau (wahai Muhammad) dapat membaca (Al-Quran yang diturunkan kepadamu – dengan perantaraan jibril), sehingga engkau (menghafaznya dan) tidak lupa,

Kecuali apa yang dikehendaki Allah engkau lupakan; sesungguhnya Ia mengetahui (segala keadaan yang patut berlaku), dan yang tersembunyi.

Dan Kami tetap memberi kemudahan kepadamu untuk (melaksanakan segala perkara) Ugama yang mudah diterima oleh akal yang sihat.

Oleh itu berilah peringatan (kepada umat manusia dengan ajaran Al-Quran), kalau-kalau peringatan itu berguna (dan sudah tentu berguna);

Kerana orang yang takut (melanggar perintah Allah) akan menerima peringatan itu;

Dan (sebaliknya) orang yang sangat celaka akan menjauhinya,

Dia lah orang yang akan menderita bakaran neraka yang amat besar (azab seksanya),

Selain dari itu, ia tidak mati di dalamnya dan tidak pula hidup senang.

Sesungguhnya berjayalah orang yang – setelah menerima peringatan itu – berusaha membersihkan dirinya (dengan taat dan amal yang soleh),

Dan menyebut-nyebut dengan lidah dan hatinya akan nama Tuhannya serta mangerjakan sembahyang (dengan khusyuk).

(Tetapi kebanyakkan kamu tidak melakukan yang demikian), bahkan kamu utamakan kehidupan dunia;

Padahal kehidupan akhirat lebih baik dan lebih kekal.

Sesungguhnya (keterangan-keterangan yang dinyatakan) ini ada (disebutkan) di dalam Kitab-kitab yang terdahulu, –

Iaitu Kitab-kitab Nabi Ibrahim dan Nabi Musa.

Little Planner

My baby is following my footsteps. In fact she is more detailed and at times practices dictatorship. This is 1st draft planning she did for her birthday next year.

After finish drafting, she requested me to repeat all the planning and correcting me as and when she pleases. She visualizes the costume, foods,games, decoration, invites and etc. Not bad for a 7 year old.