Early Sunday Dinner

We decided to have an early dinner today. Since it was raining, everybody was already hungry when we ordered. Menu for the nite





We missed some of the earlier food since it was already in the tummy before we took any photos.



No dinner is complete without dessert. Cuppies n nutty brownies.





The Forgotten Journey

Its been almost 4 months since we were there but i was so busy that I didn’t have the time to update this. It was a last minute decision to go but we thought why not since the kids will be at home for a long time. We stayed at a hotel that we are not familiar with in JB but due to the last minute booking the place was not bad. far above expectation especially the size of the room. It was also near to the Starbuck at the Zone. Starbuck there is cheaper because there is no Gov Tax. hahaha…

And so, on the 2nd day , we venture off to Legoland without any tickets. I pray that they will still have ticket for the day and i was surprised that the counter service is very fast and efficient. hmm..far betterexperience than Lost World of Tambun, Sunway or Genting.  

I would say that the place is ok and the most important thing is that we didn’t have to waste time queuing up to enter. It was just like in USS. But obviously, there will be a long queue at some of the famous rides. Since the restaurant was packed inside, we went out again to the nearby mall to eat at Manhattan, somewhere cool for the kids.


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When I was small, I used to play by myself all the time because my sister was always doing some extra-curricular activities or something.

I keep myself occupied playing barbies. I had a huge collection of it too and one of my brother sent me a big barbie summer house from London for my birthday. I was a bit spoilt with toys when I was smaller.

Like LA, I used to talk to myself and dolls all the time. It improves my communication skills and later in life I became very good in visualizing events thus making me very particular in planning.

One of my collections of toys are small figurines (smurfs most of it) and now I still collect small die cast cars or plane. I didn’t have those egg like kinder buenos when I was smaller but now I buy it for LA all the time and if there are small moving toys in it, I will keep it right after LA puts it together.


The other day, I saw small DIY miniatures store and bought 3 for LA to try out and it was so cute. She did 2 of it.
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Bad Flu

The nose itch and runny nose is unbearable. Not to mention the watery eyes. It all started with LP. She was having high fever during the CNY holidays followed by DITC last week.

Now it was my turn and I have been on antibiotics for the past 48 hours. I feel very groggy and annoyed with the stuffed nose and ear.

My body is feeling very weak and I have not done anything for the past 2 days. I have napping all the time. Poor DITC, he has to handle everything on his own.

Cupcake Chapter

We pass through the shop all the time but today we decided to stopby before heading for lunch.

Cute outlet but limited cuppies as compared to Cupcake Chics or Wondermilk. But I loike d place. Taste wise, as good as CC n not too sweet like WM.

LA making her crazee eye…


Oh God, LP is almost my height.

Look at LP and the big teddy. So cute.

The cuppies


I like the printing on the box


Akhlak dan Iman.

HR. Abu Daud, Ahmad dan At Tirmidzi.

Orang mukmin yang paling sempurna imannya adalah orang yang paling baik akhlaknya.

Then, how can we make someone happy?

HR Al Haitsami: VIII/23 dan Abu Ya’la no 6550

Sesungguhnya kamu tidak akan dapat melapangkan manusia dengan harta kamu, maka lapangkanlah mereka dengan keceriaan wajah dan kebaikan akhlak.

InsyaAllah, lets us all try to improve our akhlak and put effort in achieving so.

The Man Behind The Glass

One of these days I shall take up creative writing. I shall use the title above and the photo below. I’ll probably talk about the man and his antics or should I write about his life taken in a different perspective than he sees it. Or maybe add some elements of vampires?  Sorceries  perhaps?

How do you know if a man is addicted to coffee? When all his pictures is taken at starbucks ..hehehe…


Reading Corner

ol cabinetarmchair

It has been awhile since I last spring cleaned my reading corner or my books. Its in a mess, I have books all over the house and all over the room. Its collecting dust and I hate dusty books. I need to figure out something. The last time DITC made me the book shelf in the room but its getting packed with books. The corner needs a makeover so that DITC and I will be more comfortable when we are in our reading groove.

One of the criteria of a reading corner is the lighting. Since old age is catching both DITC and me, we need sufficient light. When our house renovation completed 10 years ago, we had a corner at the living space in front of my room. It was ideal because it was next to the window and had very good lighting during the day. And if I was brave enough I could leave the window open at night for fresher air. But since we had a mini gym, the space is getting smaller and the book rack was placed there instead. The comfy reading arm chair was brought into the room 8 years ago when LA was born. I made it as my feeding chair instead..hehehe.

I wonder what DITC can improvise for this makeover. I’m sure that LP will be most happy if she could share our corner.



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