
I don’t know why I love it so much since I was small. There was one time DITC bought 2 dozens just for me when he was in Singapore. It was the fruit that I got in one of the hantaran kahwin basket. Everybody else wanted strawberries, I requested persimmon –  pengsan nak cari and costly dulu.

The ones in Malaysia nowadays is cheaper and mostly from Korea but the most yummy is from the Mediterranean countries.


Another fruit that is similar to persimmon is actually fresh dates only smaller. The last time I had fresh dates was 5 years ago. I was looking for it in Madinah but only found it with Allah’s will 1 day before I came home after searching for it high and low.


Alhamdulillah. Nikmat Allah that we sometimes take for granted.

Chocolate Madness

Chocolate has always been one of the many love of my life. I used to eat 5 cadbury bars daily during recess time from I was 7 till I was 12. It used to cost only 20 cent per piece. During my childhood we would always have mars and cadbury bars in our home fridge.

But nowadays we are spoilt for choices. Eventhough we stash lots of chocolate in our fridge we still go out to indulge once in awhile.


Marshmallows, rice bubbles and choc


3 layer choc crepe




Unofficial mascot at the side


Macam tak kena gangster kat mad about coco kan?


Me and LP trying to look sane with all that choc around us.


My personal favorite…choc pizza. Totally awesome. Dulu masa i sekolah2, I used to eat kelloggs with loads of nutella for lunch.




S’mores sandwich


Adik is always making herself at home. Definitely will drive Monty crazy with her manners.

Damage Done

No matter what we do after that to reconcile, the damage is already done. Memories of it will be registered and sooner or later the brain will compute and output produced. So if you treat someone bad sooner or later the output will be reversed and people will start treating you bad.

Day Off

I’m taking day off today because my nose feels like the pyramid in egypt or the land mines in vietnam.

While lazing around home, I found this book on my rack. Its not mine, its not LPs or LAs so it must be Ms Pelican’s book.




Funny…and you’ll be able to finish it 20 minutes top