
Habis semua tempat nearby dah lepak. Kalau Tims Teapot Terrace tu dah habis bosan with the food. Sekali sekali pergi lah Espresso Lab kan. Eventhough the food choices are limited but its Melbourne Coffee is still awesome..Alexis pun kalah.


Count your rainbow…

There’s a saying…count your rainbows and not your thunderstorm. That is what I did today…I counted my rainbow and place it in my mouth.


The beef was truly gorgeous and the rice was good. But since it was cooked with coconut milk, you will get full easily nevertheless it was yummy.


Meletakkan diri dalam keadaan fitnah.

Semoga kita tidak termasuk diantara orang-orang yang meletakkan diri mereka dalam keadaan fitnah terutamanya ikhtilat dan mendekatkan diri dengan zina.

Ayat cliche atau ayat nak defend perbuatan menjurus kepada perbuatan zina ni banyak sangat kita dengar: we are just friends, bukan buat apa-apa pun, saja tanya khabar and etc..(perbuatan sia2)

Its best that you listen to NAK’s khutbah on the matter and decide what you want to defend or live by in life. At the end of it you will stand in front of Allah and HE will definitely ask you about the moment that you think what you did is not sin.

May this be a reminder for me first and the rest.

Surah Al Hadid

(Pada saat itu) mereka (yang munafik) menyeru orang-orang yang beriman (sambil berkata): “Bukankah kami bercampur gaul dengan kamu (di dunia dahulu)?” Orang-orang yang beriman menjawab: “Benar! Akan tetapi kamu telah membinasakan diri kamu (dengan perbuatan munafik) dan kamu telah menunggu-nunggu (kebinasaan umat Islam), dan kamu pula ragu-ragu (terhadap perkara-perkara agama) serta kamu diperdayakan oleh angan-angan kosong (untuk mencapai maksud kamu), sehinggalah datangnya (maut) yang ditetapkan oleh Allah (kepada kamu). Dan (selain itu), kamu pula diperdayakan oleh bisikan Syaitan dengan (pengampunan) Allah (semata-mata dan melupakan azabNya).

14. (The hypocrites) will call the believers: “Were we not with you?” The believers will reply: “Yes! But you led yourselves into temptations, you looked forward for our destruction; you doubted (in Faith); and you were deceived by false desires, till the Command of Allah came to pass. And the chief deceiver (Satan) deceived you in respect of Allah.”

15. So this Day no ransom shall be taken from you (hypocrites), nor of those who disbelieved, (in the Oneness of Allah Islamic Monotheism). Your abode is the Fire, that is the proper place for you, and worst indeed is that destination.


Everytime I pass by any Ayam Penyet restaurant I would suddenly shudder when thinking of the ayam being squashed and all that. There was many attempt to go when the kids was with us but it failed. Especially after my yucky experience at  Boat Noodle.

So yesterday when the kids was out with my SIL and niece, DiTC and I decided to give it a try.


But the funny thing was, we took fish and beef instead of any ayam. Alhamdulillah, my taste bud was ok with the sambal.

Sakit Perut

Its been almost a week my perut buat ragam. My ubat dah habis tapi my perut still painful and my head is still giddy. I was at work today and my giddiness got worst. Feel like throwing up all the time tapi I tahan kan je. Too many things to settle tapi my head is feeling too heavy.

The last time I had sakit perut like this I was hospitalised. No….i don’t want them to shove the camera in my throat again. InsyaAllah esok I go to the GP again and ask for more medicine to telan. Must get my tummy feeling better again so that this giddiness will go away.

Note: dah tua2 ni must be careful of what I eat lorrr.