Memilih untuk sesat dan berdosa?

A reminder to myself first and to the rest.

Fighting satan and the devil is no easy task. However it is mentioned in the Quran that there will be many of us that will follow Satan based on our own choice.

Very true revelation indeed. Sometimes we know that our action is wrong and sometimes we have been reminded that our action is wrong.

But we continue with our actions saying “bukan buat apa2 pun” or ” benda kecik, takde hal lah” or ” bohong sunat”. Seriously? Can we be that stupid? Now? When we are surrounded with gadgets with access to religious info 24/7.

Well, let’s just remind ourselves time and time again…death is near..very near. Do we want to die without the slightest effort to revert??

May Allah provide me and family the understanding and guidance to the straight path.

Allah berfirman (kepada iblis):“Keluarlah engkau dari Syurga sebagai makhluk yang terhina serta terusir.Sesungguhnya sesiapa di antara mereka (manusia) yang mengikutimu,tetaplah aku akan memenuhi neraka jahanam dengan (golongan) kamu semuanya.[al-A’raaf 7:18] 

Allah berfirman (kepada iblis):“Sesungguhnya hamba-hamba-Ku, tidaklah ada bagimu sebarang kuasa untuk menyesatkan mereka kecuali sesiapa yang mengikuti mu dari orang-orang yang sesat (dengan pilihannya sendiri).”[al-Hijr 15:42] 

Allah berfirman (kepada iblis): “Pergilah (lakukanlah apa yang engkau rancangkan)!Kemudian siapa yang mengikutimu di antara mereka (manusia),maka sesungguhnya neraka Jahannamlahbalasan kamu semua, sebagai balasan yang cukup.”[al-Isra’ 17:63] 

Dan janganlah kamu ikut jejak langkah syaitan;kerana sesungguhnya syaitan itu ialah musuh yang terang nyata bagi kamu.Ia hanya menyuruh kamu melakukan kejahatan dan perkara-perkara yang keji,dan (menyuruh) supaya kamu berkata (dusta) terhadap Allah apa yang kamu tidak ketahui.[al-Baqarah 2:168-169] 

Dan janganlah kamu menurut jejak langkah syaitan;kerana sesungguhnya syaitan itu musuh bagi kamu yang terang nyata.[al-An’aam 6:142] 

Wahai orang-orang yang beriman, janganlah kamu menurut jejak langkah syaitan;dan sesiapa yang menurut jejak langkah syaitan,maka sesungguhnya syaitan itu sentiasa menyuruh (pengikut-pengikutnya)melakukan perkara yang keji dan perbuatan yang mungkar.[al-Nur 24:21] 

Hari yang menggemparkan.

Dengan nama Allah, Yang Maha Pemurah, lagi Maha Mengasihani.
Hari yang menggemparkan,
Apa dia hari yang menggemparkan itu?
Dan apa jalannya engkau dapat mengetahui kedahsyatan hari yang menggemparkan itu?
(Hari itu ialah: Hari kiamat), hari manusia menjadi seperti kelkatu yang terbang berkeliaran,
Dan gunung-ganang menjadi seperti bulu yang dibusar berterbangan.
Setelah berlaku demikian, maka (manusia akan diberikan tempatnya menurut amal masing-masing); adapun orang yang berat timbangan amal baiknya;
Maka dia berada dalam kehidupan yang senang lenang.
Sebaliknya orang yang ringan timbangan amal baiknya;
Maka tempat kembalinya ialah “Haawiyah”
Dan apa jalannya engkau dapat mengetahui, apa dia “Haawiyah” itu?
(Haawiyah itu ialah): Api yang panas membakar.


Sesungguhnya syaitan itu adalah musuhmu yang nyata.

One of the thing I hate to do most is getting angry and being grumpy. After I got angry I will feel very stupid coz I’ve been fooled again by the Devil and of course by my own desire for anger (nafsu)

I was naive thinking that I can control the things that I have planned. But now I understand that Allah is the greatest planner.

When Allah plans for something to turn the way HE sees fits for us , what should our reaction be?

I guess it should be syukur dan sabar.

But instead many of us takes the opportunity to allow anger and our feelings to take control of us. 

We feel restless…we take out our frustration towards the people around us. If not by our words but by our actions. Both ways, we are letting the devil to win.

Then we feel sorry and ask for Allah forgiveness. But then again, when we are off guard the devil will whisper to us and we let them win again. What a fool are we.

We are supposed to do good deeds and come to the hereafter carrying our deeds. But somehow we come empty handed because are deeds are all used up to compensate how we treat others.

In the Quran, it is mentioned many-many times …for those who think…bagi mereka yang berfikir.

I guess we should really do some thinking now on how we can keep ourselves strong and stop the devil from winning.

Birthday Trip

When it comes to birthdays….only the small boss can decide. This time she decided her newly found favourite hotel.
It was Thistle PD a few years back but now she found a place nearby the mall that she likes.

And so we went for a short excursion to celebrate DiTCs birthday.







40 birthday wishes coming true…


Favourite ikan bakar place. I was too busy eating to capture the beautiful sunset and the fishermen coming back from the sea.

The birthday boy is really enjoying his dinner.





Nothing will satisfy the small boss before going on the water slide for at least 100 times….

When a man turns 40.

He should reflect on Allah’s blessings and prostrate to the Allmighty and seek for HIS mercy and blessings. To spend his time and wealth wisely because he should remember that one day he will stand in front of his Lord and he will be asked on how he spends every single seconds and cents that he has in this life.

Happy 40th Birthday Sayang!!!

For your birthday I can only be there to doa and remind you to keep on the path of Allah and remind you of Allah. May Allah provides us guidance and blessing and may He grant us Jannah in the hereafter.

