I salute you

Maybe i don’t stand right in front of him to salute his decision and actions.

But deep in my heart I truly respect what he has done. I know its difficult but I also understand the need for him to stay true to his religion, belief and himself.

I’m sure the kids are also proud of him for not being a hypocrite. Sometimes in life you need to show to those doing unjust that you do not agree or condone to their actions.

I’m sure that many will question his actions…but then again…didn’t they all this time?

By the Beach

The kids and DiTC does not like the sticky feeling by the beach so we don’t really spend too much time there. But once you are in Phuket it will be too strange if we don’t go there at all since it is just right in front of our place.

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When the tsunami hit in 2004, I was heavily pregnant with adik. We made plans to go to Penang but had to cancelled last minute because the doctor said I had prolapsed uterus. So it was God’s will that we were saved from the traumatic experience if we were at ferringhi at that time.



Tengok Wayang

Yeah…some people find it strange to watch movie in a foreign land but not us..we love it. The experience of a different cinema setting. By the way, kat phuket cinema pasang national anthem every show, every day and you need to stand up for respect. If caught they can charge you with Lèse majesté. Anyway, we watched A Monster Call which I thought was fun animation movie. Salah sangkaan ku…maka teresak-esaklah daku menengok wayang. Nasib baik tak ramai orang…tak boleh control babe kesedihannya. It was actually a heavy drama that reflects a boy’s feeling with regards to his mother’s cancer condition.  Ni lah jadinya kalau pergi tengok wayang tak baca synopsis..dah lah it was a novel adaptation….

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Lepas tengok wayang kita lepak-lepak lagi sambil bershopping…


What’s Cooking?

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Since DiTC’s new passion is cooking, he took the opportunity to attend for a cooking class in Phuket. Interesting concept but you really need to scout for a place that suitable for Muslims. It was a quick class but I guess it was also our only chance to get halal food for dinner…LOL

It started with a short briefing on Greetings in Thai..very informative. Then they proceed with the basic ingredient in Thai dishes. Pastu apalagi…masaklah..

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The girls are patiently waiting while dad and his friends cook for dinner. Yumss




Longtail Boat

The last time I was on a longtail was 14 years ago and that was at Mekong River and to top up my nervousness is the fact that it started to rain just a few seconds before we got on the boat. This was totally DiTC’s idea. It was fun but because of my motion sickness I don’t find this entertaining. Alhamdulillah I brought my anti-nausea wristband. Adik dah muka kecut je…tapi they love it. Iyelah sekejap journey nyer love it lah…cuba kalau island hopping mesti semua pengsan



So what’s with the boat ride if we are not island hopping?


Mencari yang halal tu fardhu walaupun di tengah lautan. This is actually a floating restaurant in Andaman Sea. There were many other floating restaurants in Phuket but Bang Mut is halal.

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I always though that TomYum is an overrated dish in Thailand but when I tasted the one served in Bang Mut…memanglah TomYum diorang lain from ours and it was totally awesome Even the kids yang tak suka makan TomYum pun enjoy it very much.

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Now its time to wait for our ride. She is our designated driver for the day..cool aje dia tunggu while we go off and do our stuff but she did mention that the floating restaurant are a bit exorbitant for the locals. Jadi tourist bolehlah.







The tuk-tuk looks fun but after looking at the way they drive, I decided that it’s not safe for the kids. Mahu terpelenting LA nanti. Most area are within walking distance anyway. But of course lah adik is not in the mood. Hello…you don’t  have an uncle in Phuket that has a driver ok.

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On the way to the only decent mall in Patong, we stopped by to check out the cooking classes. Kat Jungceylon only the KFC and the abang roti is halal kut. The guy selling nasi on the lower ground floor dah tutup kedai ok. The roti nutella tu is about 80baht. That’s almost our RM10. So next time bersyukurlah kat Malaysia ni banyak makanan halal yang murah. But as usual, I go crazy in the supermarket…lotsa of halal cooking ingredients and spices that you may not get in KL. Tapi yang sangat win is the Pulut Mangga and Pulut Durian.Tapi takkan tiap hari nak makan pulut…hangin satu badan

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After shopping and walking around the mall we went to hang out to see the Dugongs by the beach. No nudity…so far so good.

Island Retreat

I was expecting Nasi Lemak but since its already past lunch they served Chicken Murtabak instead. Makan cepat-cepat so that I can continue watching Florence Foster Jankins.

The thing I look forward when travelling is catching up with the latest movies in the in flight entertainment. Tapi kali ni sekejap je. Too bad…But as we reached our destination the view is breathless.

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When we reached Phuket Airport the weather is cloudy. Best..tak panas dan tak hujan.


Our family room is kinda of huge and the location is superb. The small road in front of our lodging is so happening at night. But LA forbid us from taking photos at Hooters. Alhamdulillah, ada anak yang solehah macam ni. InsyaAllah kalau kita doa dijauhkan dari benda-benda tak elok maka terlindunglah kita.

