
And today I cried. How can a father not want his own child? Its heart wrenching. Allah gave us wealth and health and when HE gives us responsibilities in a form of nikmat we give lame excuses.

May Allah forgive us and provide guidance and forgiveness to those who have gone astray.

Sick Again

I was feeling under the weather today. The girls @ work cheered me up by bringing me to eat Beriyani at Ruz Alladin. I remembered the first time I was there 11 years ago when we managed to secure a 4.4M contract for maintenance. A senior from our parent company brought me n my colleague there to celebrate.

When we reached there I was tempted to have one of my favorite local dessert “tapai with ice-cream” tapi the better of me refrain me from doing so. I ordered the beef beriyani and hot lemon tea.Even with a heavy head and blocked nose I managed to finish my food. So much of loya tak tahu apa nak makan.

Why am I posting this? I really don’t know and I just need to stop myself from dozing off while DITC reaches home.


We will be making a very important decision today.

I have very mixed feelings about it. Its been many years since it started and we need to decide today whether we should put an end to it.

I beg for Allah’s forgiveness and I seek HIS help and guidance to ensure that all of us involved will be able to give our opinion based on clear islamic and business principle. Ya Allah, please ease us in making the right choice best to our religion.

Al Qiyamah Verse 5 :
(Kebenaran itu bukan tidak ada buktinya), bahkan manusia (yang ingkar) sentiasa suka hendak meneruskan perbuatan kufur dan maksiat (di sepanjang hayatnya, sehingga ia tidak mengakui adanya hari kiamat).


LP and I was both sick today. After seeing the doctor we had to grab something to eat before taking the medicine. We chose to eat at the mall and made a quick stop at the bookstore that left a big hole on my wallet.


LP chose this boring book…


While I chose the other 4 for both of us. Somehow I really wanted to read about what happened to Lena Duchannes. I bought the 2nd book since I’ve already watched the 1st book made to a movie. Here are the other book synopsis. One of the book has Leprechauns in it. LP was saying..mom? Seriously?…I told her that sometimes we just need to have fun with our reading.






Both lioness decided that we should have this notebooks for ourself. Too much of hanging out @ borders. We met again last weekend. Another item for our growing notebooks and stationery collection.

The irony part about both of us is… we keep on meeting in MD when we are actually staying and working 10 minutes away from each other. My childhood friend aka. vivas.

