I can’t remember the name….

I remembered paying almost 4o ringgit for this but I can’t remember the name. The chocolate was awesome but the kids didn’t quite like it coz its sweet. But the teddies caught my eyes when I look through the menu. It was actually to cheer up the kids and DITC when we were at the hospital few weeks back.

Respiratory Repair.

I had some problems breathing for the past few days. Hectic schedule @ work and lack of rest could be part of it added with the rainy weather that prevented me and DITC from having our weekend walks.

So for the past two days, I had to get this procedure to ease the lungs.My tiny adorable nurse took those photos. Check out her chubby fingers on the 2nd photo.

Sports Day

I am not much of a sporty person. I used to play hockey a little bit and I did a little bit of joggin here and there but never was I involved in any track event. So when LP was selected to do the 4X100 I was worried for her. Worried  that she might fall and hurt herself or hurt because she didn’t win.  So I told her not to participate. 

DITC looked at me in disgust and said “mana boleh…. I was a runner back when i was in primary so its not strange that she could have my talent.” nak gelak jer dengar. Anyway, LP made her own decision to what she really wanted to do.

So..we were at UIAM Mini Stadium last saturday all wet and cold because it was raining cats and dogs. We didn’t get to see LP in action but she was excited because her team got the 3rd place…so adalah medalnya. She said she could have won the 1st place only if the teacher didn’t forget to give her the baton. Wah…anakku.

Anyway, I almost cried when I reached there coz they ask my baby to run in the heavy rain, pastu the place was really slippery and all that. i couldn’t find her as she didn’t pick up the phone but the first thing I sms her was to walk carefully coz its really slippery.  DITC said that I worry too much. when I finally met her she said “Mom, what’s wrong with you…mana ada slippery.”  hehehe i just laughed.  Tengoklah budak2 yang lencun2 and are all so happy bout it.

After the event was over we went straight to the hair salon to get wash her hair and get it dried up well. Takut demam lak.


A Monday Morning Reminder To Me

I woke up this morning from a very bad dream or thoughts. It could relate to the book I was reading last night. The thoughts lingered in my head that when I woke up this morning it was still there. And I had to jot this down so that it becomes a reminder to me.

Many of us think that the company that we work with owes us a lot and we blame the company for everything that happens. We blame our bosses , our peers and we say that the salary that we get is never enough for the things that we have done for the company. We say that “Kami Dizalimi”. Are we really sure of that or is it that “Kita Menzalimi Diri Sendiri”? That is the beautiful question that will pop in our head when we know that our boss is not Mr X, Mr Y or Mr J but Allah. Have we ever really thought the fact is : our “rezeki” is from Allah. But why do we blame another human for it?

We blame another human and make it a cause for us to be de-motivated, aka putus asa and we make that as our reason to be impolite and arrogant. So in reality we are actually de-motivated with ketentuan Allah. Where is our virtue for Syukur and Sabar? Aren’t we supposed to “mengadu” kepada Allah when we are ill treated instead of vetting out frustration with shopping and entertainment?

 There were times when we are so fed-up of work that we turn into “pencuri”, playing computer games, checking out facebook, watching videos or youtube. We also became “penipu” when we compensate our late in after work but not actually doing work.  As I wrote this, I couldn’t stop crying for all the wasteful things that I have done in the past.

My perception of life is different now and I don’t expect anybody to understand or agree with me BUT if you can relate to what my thoughts are than you’ll probably understand my posting.

 Surat Al-‘Aĥzāb 33: 3

 Dan berserahlah kepada Allah (dan janganlah menumpukan harapanmu kepada yang lain), kerana cukuplah Allah menjadi Pentadbir urusanmu

 And rely upon Allah; and sufficient is Allah as Disposer of affairs.

Full of Myself

I had a conversation with my Boss the other day and he mentioned that some people don’t like me because I tell them or their staff what to do.  I smiled and tell him Alhamdullilah..they actually listen instead of ignoring . Sometimes my “niat” to improve people, give them ideas on how to solve things is considered as  me “Membangga Diri” . Trust me friends I am too afraid of Allah wrath (kemurkaan) to even consider myself  good or better than anybody else.

Surah Luqman ayat [18]
“And turn not your face away from men with pride, nor walk in insolence through the earth. Verily, Allah likes not each arrogant boaster.

“Dan janganlah engkau memalingkan mukamu (kerana memandang rendah) kepada manusia, dan janganlah engkau berjalan di bumi dengan berlagak sombong; sesungguhnya Allah tidak suka kepada tiap-tiap orang yang sombong takbur, lagi membanggakan diri.